Empty big bags are usually packed on pallets and must always be stored under appropriate conditions. They should not be exposed to direct sunlight for long time. Water, rain and extreme humidity are not good for FIBCs’ shelflife.
There are several ways to best store FIBCs. Depending on the material, you can choose to place the bags in racks( with or without pallet).
You can also stack the FIBCs. Ensure that you stack the FIBC correctly and that the FIBC must be certified for the height that you wish to maintain.
forklift with
Ensure that you always keep a filled FIBC low to the ground when you drive a forklift truck. If you hold the filled FIBC too high above the ground. the forklift truck will be unstable and you will increase the risk of accidents.
Handling with cranes
Ensure that the hooks of the crane do not contain sharp parts which could damage the bags or the lifting structure. Use protective materials wherever possible. We advise that you use special safety hooks, so that the bag can never unexpectedly come off the hooks.
- In order to avoid damage to the loops, the forks should be free from sharp edges and, if necessary, covered with suitable material.
- When driving FIBC hanging from a forklift, the vehicle is in danger of tipping over. As a precaution, the FIBC should be transported close to the pole at the lowest level possible and with the pole bent slightly backwards.
- The FIBC should be positioned on the forklift so that the wheels of the forklift do not damage the FIBC and the driver’s view is not obstructed.
- When transporting FIBCs by truck or in a freight container, the cargo must be stowed in a safe and stable fashion.
- FIBCs must not be stowed next to cargo with sharp edges or rough surfaces which might harm the FIBCs .
- Legal regulations and recommendations for the transport must be followed.
- Only stack FIBCs if they are designed to be stacked, you are sure of their stability and they are stacked using a “Pyramid” or “Supported” stacking method:
• Pyramid Stacking: Each bag above the first layer must sit on at least four lower bags . Each layer is subsequently tiered inwards forming a pyramid structure.
• Supported Stacking: Formed against two retaining walls of sufficient strength . The general rule is: the higher the stack, the more supporting walls are necessary. - Be sure to consider the special characteristics of the material filled in the FIBC before stacking to avoid undesired effects (e .g . compression).
- Please make sure that the FIBCs at the base are able to bear the pressure of those stacked upon them . If in doubt, please ask your supplier.
- Never approach or repair a damaged bag without first removing all bags stacked on top.
- Always protect your FIBCs from the harmful effects of UV rays (sunlight) and inclement weather (rain, snow, etc .) Over time, exposure to UV rays and inclement weather will weaken the strength of a FIBC.
- Always try to store your empty FIBCs inside a covered facility or warehouse that is free from any water or moisture contamination that could come into contact with your FIBCs and damage them.
- Storing empty or filled FIBCs outside is not recommended, but if you do, you should always cover them with some type of material that will prevent their exposure to UV rays and inclement weather.
- There is no guarantee that FIBCs stored outside and unprotected from the UV rays and inclement weather will be safe to handle .
Highest Quality Standard in FIBC Industry
ATEA has a robust Quality Program to accomplish this
- Production processes are monitored under strict controls and integrated with a stringent Quality Management System
- Inhouse testing laboratory validate compliance of material properties with international standards
- Internal and external audits and certifications
- End-to-end supply chain management and control
- Traceability of products and components
- Continuous improvement of products and people
Test Laboratories

In our test laboratory, we test not only the finished big bags but also the components produced in our vertically integrated production facility.
To be allowed in the big bag assembly process each item(yarn, loop, fabric, PE liner etc.) must pass a certain performance test and comply with certain criteria.
The finished big bags are then tested according to their specifications and requirements of the related class, such as UN, Type C, Type D etc…

- Yarn tensile & elongation test
- Accelerated UV test
- Coating performance test
- Cyclic top lift and load to failure test
- Tear test
- Topple test
- Drop test
- Stacking test
- Breakdown voltage test
- Grounding test